Monitoring on Us
Most of the time, users want to get reviews and continue to pull in any potential updates like new reviews, new replies, change in star-rating, etc. With other solutions, you will have to guess when to request a new job or schedule frequent and periodic jobs. This comes with implications:
- Cost: In case of no updates, you will be charged for unnecessary calls. In addition, periodic calls imply extra use of networking and computing resources that can be spared for other tasks.
- Delays: What is the best rest time between fetches? If you try to optimize the likelihood of catching updates in a timely manner you must consider bumping your budget.
- Resources: Many users submit periodic fetches over night because it will cause spike usage of resources that can impact user experience and data availability. This leads to updates being presented to users only once a day instead of on the fly.
- Vulnerability: Having to detect changes makes your system prone to errors. Due to inconsistency of data between fetches (translated review, timestamp change due to resource location/time zone, etc.), your system may fail to detect collisions and may flag same existing reviews as new reviews or edits.
With Zembra, all you have to do is issue only one query to request reviews for a given target then continuously get updates as they are published. Outsource data collection and focus on building your product.
Performance and Scale
Zembra is designed to sustain heavy loads while keeping acceptable performance. We deliver data within seconds from the moment it was first requested. Competitors might experience blockage and insane delays in the magnitude of hours.
For quicker integration, we offer batch imports. No need to start a long running script to loop through all your listings. A simple batch call suffices to get your listings imported into our platform and immediately start pulling data.
For large accounts, we allocate dedicated resources so that they are never impacted by other traffic.
No Requirements
- No minimum purchase nor eligibility criteria. Whether it’s a one-off project or a recurring integration, everyone can fit and use the platform.
- No commitments, no subscriptions, no contract. Request data as you see need and drop off whenever you want. Pay as you go or prepay to take advantage of cheaper rates.
- No credentials, cookies, or anything like that. In order to pull reviews data or social media content, all we need is the listing or target identifier, commonly called slug.
All our data is parsed to match a standard format that applies to all supported platforms. Reviews coming from Google will have the same format of the reviews collected from Yelp. This helps build a unique data processor on your side.
In contrast, there could be cases where you need a field that is not listed under the list of default fields included in our standard format. Therefore, we offer the possibility to include the raw data as collected from the source as part of the delivered payload.
Our data is clean, sound and has unquestionable quality. We guarantee that the data matches exactly the source to preserve compliance with data collection and reuse ethics. With other software you may experience:
- Incomplete data due to pagination issues or missing language selection or reviews kept hidden or not recommended.
- Noise in the data, i.e. trailing HTML characters.
- Truncated or badly formatted text, e.g. “this is an exampmore…”
- Fluctuation and inconsistency of data across multiple requests due regional proxy rotation
Supported Platforms
We support an ever growing set of platforms from different verticals. We offer the option of onboarding new networks upon request. Average turnaround time from acceptance to delivery ranges from 1 day to 1 sprint cycle.
We can offer exclusive access to new networks.
No segregation in networks. Whether it’s a preexisting network or custom added one, whether it’s Facebook or Yelp, it really does not make a difference. We treat all networks the same and we apply same pricing model and charges for all of them.
We provide our customers with resources rarely made available by other competitors:
- Dedicated account manager
- Slack channel
- Custom configuration (payload, supported network, service exclusivity, etc.)
- Diverse payment plans
- SDKs for expedite integration
Bug Escalation
With other competitors you are at risk of impacting your reputation and your product’s trustworthiness. For example, if your provider is suffering a bug due to a recent change in data layout introduced by a target network, the ticket creation and lifecycle chain might be too long and inefficient:
- End-user notices a missing negative review posted 5 days ago that he/she failed to respond to on time.
- The user contacts your customer support line via email or any other customer support mean to report the issue.
- A ticket is created and sent to tech support to confirm the bug.
- The bug is confirmed and a Jira story is created for engineering team to address it.
- The story still has to be groomed and prioritized. If treated as fire, it causes distraction and context switching to developers.
- Developers realize after analyzing logs and attempts to reproduce that the issue is from your third party provider side who is failing to collect and deliver the data.
- Dev team contacts your provider. Similar escalation process is started on their side…
A simple bug can take days to resolve. By the meantime, your customer is not happy and your product reliability is questioned.
We do things differently. We have solid monitoring in place to catch potential impactful issues. We have models with all sort of content (replies, images, translation, recommendation, etc.) that we continuously monitor to ensure all our listings are functioning as expected. As soon as we detect a change, an update is automatically posted on our status page. You can also subscribe to receive a notification upon creating or resolving accidents. We also offer a direct Slack channel for immediate and prompt communication.
We fix bugs before you even notice.